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Vickie's Garden

A project to promote traditional mixed
cultivation of:

- Passion fruit
- Tomatoes
- Cassava
- chillies
- Mango trees
- Mathoke Palm
- Jackfruit trees
- Yam Yam
- Beans

...for the local market combined with tourism
"Agriculture to experience and touch" and at the same time support of local families to become self-employment.

The project not only enables Vickie and her children to make a living, but also generates jobs for others local workers, their families and also enables them to have a regular one Income.

Market in Uganda


The project

Behind the Vickies Garden project is Vickie 44, a mother of 4 school-age children. She speaks 3 languages ​​(Luganda, English and German). When he was still alive, her grandfather was a successful farmer and had the trade and fascination for agriculture in his blood. Vickie inherited this fascination with farming. With her currently leased property of 2 hectares, currently still a pilot project, she would like to continue this gift and grows fruits, fruit and vegetables.

The quality achieved in the test operation now generates a large Demand that far exceeds the currently possible supply. That is why, with the help of patrons and donors, we are now looking for our own property of around 6 to 8 hectares in a good market location.


The project not only generates a regular income and a secure livelihood for Vickie and her 4 children, but also enables a fair wage for her employees at Vickie's Garden with ongoing operations.


- Employees in the yard

- Employees for the transport and distribution of the harvest to consumers

- Drivers for vans for transporting goods from harvest to consumers in Kampala and surrounding areas.

- Local Boda Bodas motorcyclists and taxi minibus drivers/goods

- Work for a local business

- Work for small farm shop directly from the farm



Step 1 Land acquisition

Acquisition of 8 acres or 3.2 Hectares (32376 m2) of land for long-term operation including crop rotation and resting land of the cultivated area.


Price per acre ~about 16 million UGS

Costs for 8 acres approx. 128 million UGS = approx. 32,000 CHF


Funding from private donors and patrons



Step 2 Cultivation

After acquiring land, we will raise money through various channels
(GoFoundMe, Kickstarter, etc.) to raise money for the preparation and relocation of the farm.

Cost: 36 million UGX = 9000 CHF Contains:


- Ground preparation (by external company)

- plowing

- seedlings

- fertilizer

- Construction of the passion fruit plant

- Groundwater hand pump (including installation)



Step 3 Future


As soon as the operation is profitable, the second expansion stage is aimed at.


Step 3: - Construction of simple housing for employees - Construction of a small warehouse


Step 4: Simple farmhouse with visitor room tourists. The project should have a social impact. In the future it is planned to transfer Vicky's technical and commercial knowledge to local and foreign people to pass on to interested parties.


Partners support each other. This area is constantly being expanded with regional partnerships.



Get involved

Get involved


A test farm on leased land is already in production

Demand exceeds supply!


The search for sponsors and patrons has begun

New Land

Find suitable farmland.

Current land prices are already being observed continuously!

Start new Farm

With the help of further donations via "Go Found Me", "Kickstarter", etc., a water pump will be installed on the new property and at the same time fruits, fruit and vegetables will be grown.


After the project is self-supporting, it will be expanded.

– A small warehouse and a basic building for our workers with a visitor room for tourists.

Pass on and exchange experiences.

Our concern:

That more people will return to sustainable agriculture.

We are looking for sponsors & patrons

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